Touch the soul

Slightly different notes taken by Maroušek the Fool. Less about his real expeditions and outer goals, more about Marek Holeček himself, his inner base camps, anchor points and safety ropes, pitfalls and sand rocks, avalanche fields and forbidden zones.
The recap interview with the top climber, follower of the Alpine style, holder of the international award Piolet d’Or. Mára Holeček, is in a way a small book-form expedition into the climber’s soul. A trip to places where, besides a lot of laughter and digressions, a surprisingly organized universe is hidden, in which there are answers to the crucial questions. How did he get to mountaineering? What kind of brother, partner and son is he? Which of his expeditions and personal milestones have affected him the most? How does he deal with pain? How does it feel to get lost in the fog in the Scottish mountains? Why is it a good idea to find a personal ear cleaner in Delhi? How to give a motivational lecture in the prison of Bory in Pilsen? And where to search for optimism in minus forty degrees? An outspoken interview accompanied by photos from Mára Holeček’s archive shows that limits only exist in our minds.
Questions asked and answers noted down by Markéta Bidlasová.